They’re a group of specialized physiotherapists and movement specialists trained to incorporate Pilates in rehabilitating injuries and chronic pain. They build relationships with their patients, becoming extra sensitive to their mood and behavioral changes, encouraging them to keep on going but, more importantly, also knowing when to set restrictions.
This is physical rehab, 21st-century style. This is Clinical Pilates.
“It’s Pilates in business class." This is a highly specialized discipline. We provide first-rate rehab service based on principles that are grounded on scientific studies. We make sure everything is positive here. The muscles need to be activated, but emotions have to be corrected, as well,” said Ole Eugenio, founder and program director of Options Studio. Read more
This is physical rehab, 21st-century style. This is Clinical Pilates.
“It’s Pilates in business class." This is a highly specialized discipline. We provide first-rate rehab service based on principles that are grounded on scientific studies. We make sure everything is positive here. The muscles need to be activated, but emotions have to be corrected, as well,” said Ole Eugenio, founder and program director of Options Studio. Read more