No matter how technologically efficient you become, if you aren’t sleeping or eating well, and you have too much stress, there is a limit to how effective you can be.
That’s why wellness is the cornerstone of my productivity system, Less Doing. I see optimal health as a triangle with sleep, nutrition, and fitness at the points and supplements in the middle. You need all of these elements and in you have to apply limited resources to the entire triangle.
For example, if you get a bad night of sleep for one reason or another, you have to make the conscious decision to avoid working out the next day because you’ll only be doing harm to your body. By that same token if you are eating lots of wild caught fish and getting adequate sunlight, you make be able to skip out on a fish oil and vitamin D supplement.
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That’s why wellness is the cornerstone of my productivity system, Less Doing. I see optimal health as a triangle with sleep, nutrition, and fitness at the points and supplements in the middle. You need all of these elements and in you have to apply limited resources to the entire triangle.
For example, if you get a bad night of sleep for one reason or another, you have to make the conscious decision to avoid working out the next day because you’ll only be doing harm to your body. By that same token if you are eating lots of wild caught fish and getting adequate sunlight, you make be able to skip out on a fish oil and vitamin D supplement.
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