"Sex, as wonderful as it is, can be perfunctory," says Andréa Demirjian, author of "Kissing: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about One of Life's Sweetest Pleasures." "Kissing is intimate: You're right there in the space of your soul. It gets to the core of your heart and spirit because it's such a lovely way to express and receive love and affection. A kiss a day really can keep the doctor away." Read more at CNN.com
Ah, the kiss. It can be so many things: sweet, loving, awkward, intense, transporting, disappointing, boring, sublime, life altering.On the delicious and passionate side of the spectrum, a smooch can be a heart-healthy micro workout, a hormone releaser and a mood booster. It's also fun -- and a great way to connect with the person you care about.
"Sex, as wonderful as it is, can be perfunctory," says Andréa Demirjian, author of "Kissing: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about One of Life's Sweetest Pleasures." "Kissing is intimate: You're right there in the space of your soul. It gets to the core of your heart and spirit because it's such a lovely way to express and receive love and affection. A kiss a day really can keep the doctor away." Read more at CNN.com
From NPR.com
The pain reliever acetaminophen is easy on the stomach. But at high doses, the drug can be hell on the liver. Now the Food and Drug Administration is asking doctors to refrain from prescribing drugs that contain high doses of acetaminophen to minimize the risk of liver damage. Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in nonprescription Tylenol. But it's also inside quite a few prescription pain pills, including Vicodin and Percocet. Acetaminophen overdoses, many of which are inadvertent, are a leading cause of acute liver failure. People taking several kinds of drugs may not realize that more than one of them can contain acetaminophen. Add a few together, and you can run into trouble. Drinking alcohol along with acetaminophen also raises the risk. Three years ago the Food and Drug Administration asked drugmakers to voluntarily limit the amount of acetaminophen in prescription drugs to no more than 325 milligrams per pill. More than half have, the agency said, but many haven't. For now then, it's up to consumers and health professionals to limit acetaminophen risks. "There are no available data to show that taking more than 325 mg of acetaminophen per dosage unit provides additional benefit that outweighs the added risks for liver injury." The agency also said it would soon require prescription drugmakers that haven't voluntarily limited acetaminophen to the 325 milligram maximum to take their high-dose drugs off the market, but that could take a while. Check out these "Pilates People" celebs and athletes at Pinterest!
From Star City Health
Pilates is an exercise system developed by Joseph Pilates to increase flexibility, strengthen muscles and improve overall health. Exercises can be performed either on a mat or on special equipment. Pilates strengthens the core, improves balance, increases coordination and decreases stress. It focuses on engaging both the body and mind together to achieve the greatest benefit of the movements. The Universal Reformer machine is the most versatile piece of equipment developed by Joseph Pilates. Using a simple frame, a movable carriage, springs, a foot bar and adjustable straps for both hands and feet, he designed the machine to address virtually every part of the body. To be healthy in mind and body, we must understand the balance between effort and relaxation. In Pilates class we learn to use just the correct amount of energy to complete the exercise well. We learn to release unnecessary tension in our bodies, helping us to find flow and ease in motion. This is a wonderful skill to bring into our everyday movements and our lives. From my own personal experience as a dancer for “Sesame Street Live” on tour, I know the importance of Pilates to dancers as well. Carrying a 30-pound costume around the stage, the company knew it was a smart idea to hire a Pilates trainer for us on the road. The instructor taught us about stabilization and mindful movements. To this day, I am ever grateful to the company for preventing injury to my body and for introducing me to this incredible system of moving. Athletes have caught on to the benefits of Pilates, too. Often, you will hear of professional athletes doing Pilates to increase their level of performance. "Pilates is a great non-impact workout,” says Marc Munford, former Nebraska Cornhusker and Denver Broncos football player. “It is completely different from traditional strength training or cardio training. Pilates reformer has helped me with overall core strengthening and flexibility.” Other clients have said … "As I age, I know this is a complete body workout that I can continue to do. After Pilates class I feel stronger, but relaxed. I look forward to the workout!" – Teresa Abrahams And … "Pilates can truly renew your mind, body and spirit." – Annie Votipka It is important as you choose your Pilates class to honor where your body is NOW. Start at the beginning, and move gracefully onward and upward toward your greatest self. The results will amaze you. When millions of health-insurance plans were canceled last fall, the Obama administration tried to be reassuring, saying the terminations affected only the small minority of Americans who bought individual policies.
But according to industry analysts, insurers and state regulators, the disruption will be far greater, potentially affecting millions of people who receive insurance through small employers by the end of 2014. Fine. You didn’t buy a smartwatch. You were never going to anyway. Meet the fitness tracker: a less expensive, more immediately useful tech product that might actually help get your lazy self in shape. Designed to gamify your daily exercise routines, fitness trackers make people do funny, crazy things, like going to sleep at the same minute every night, or taking the long route to the bathroom, just to get in another 20 steps. But hurry! You’ve got two more weeks until all that New Year’s resolution spirit turns into another pack of peanut M&Ms. Read more: 26 Fitness Trackers Ranked from Worst to First | TIME.com
Control a treadmill with Google Glass. Find your fitness age with an "anti-aging" activity-tracking watch. Measure your heart rate variability with a finger cup to see how well you recover from workouts. These are just some of the new ideas on display in the world of fitness and technology at the 2014 International CES. More.
Young teens aren't exactly embracing the government's Let's Move mantra, the latest fitness data suggest. Only 1 in 4 U.S. kids aged 12 to 15 meet the recommendations -- an hour or more of moderate to vigorous activity every day. Read more at Fox News.
They're popular and they get results, but making a good match takes effort. More from WebMD
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